Beat the heat and embrace the chill of this tropical drink with the swirls of pineapple and strawberry and make it sweeter with richberry without added sugar!
1/2 cup orange juice
6 oz non fat yogurt
1 cup frozen pineapple
1 frozen banana, sliced
1/2 cup frozen strawberries
In a blender, combine orange juice, yogurt, pineapple and banana. Cover and blend until smooth.
Remove half of the smoothie and add strawberries to blender. Blend until smooth and creamy.
Alternate adding the two smoothie fillings to two glasses for a pretty swirled effect. Enjoy!
Consume Miracle Berry
Just before enjoying your drink, chew 1 or more halves of freeze-dried miracle berry. Ensure to remove pits to avoid a bitter taste.
The active ingredient miraculin from miracle berry will turn sour foods such as lemon, lime, orange, grapefruit, non-fat yoghurt and other citrus food to taste sweet without adding sugar. We recommend two halves or 2 servings for maximum effectiveness. Make sure to follow instructions from the back of the packaging.
Calorie savings:
2 tablespoon sugar 128 calories