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richberry Pomegranate Lemonade

This healthy drink is made from fresh pomegranates and lemons with no sugar added! It's easy to make and so refreshing!


5 lemons, juiced 1 cup water 1 cup pomegranate arils (seeds) another 3-4 cups of water ice cubes lemon slices for garnish


Add the lemon juice, 1 cup water, and pomegranate seeds to a blender. Blend on high speed until smooth. Strain the mixture into a jug or pitcher to remove the hard parts of the pomegranate seeds and add the remaining 3-4 cups of water then stir well. Serve with lemon slices, ice, and pomegranate arils in the glass, if desired.

Consume Miracle Berry

Just before enjoying your drink, chew 1 or more halves of freeze-dried miracle berry. Ensure to remove pits to avoid a bitter taste.


The active ingredient miraculin from miracle berry will turn sour foods such as lemon, lime, orange, grapefruit, non-fat yoghurt, and other citrus food to taste sweet without adding sugar. We recommend two halves or 2 servings for maximum effectiveness. Make sure to follow instructions from the back of the packaging.

Calorie savings:

2-tablespoons sugar - 128 Calories

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