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Writer's pictureAndrea Dy

richberry Lemonade

Updated: Apr 2, 2020

It seems that the all-American famous summer drink, the lemonade, may have had its origin in medieval Egypt. Although the lemon itself originates farther to the east from there, and lemonade may very well have been invented in one of the eastern countries, with the earliest written evidence of it coming from Egypt.


· 1 cup lemon juice

· 2 to 3 cups cold water (to dilute)

· 1 cup white, granulated sugar (can reduce to 3/4 cup)


Juice the lemons: Depending on the size of the lemons, 4 to 6 of them should be enough for one cup of juice.

Combine lemon juice and water: Pour the juice into a serving pitcher. Add 2 to 3 cups of cold water and taste. Add more water if you would like it to be more diluted (though note that when you add ice, it will melt and naturally dilute the lemonade).

Chill: Refrigerate 30 to 40 minutes.

Serve with ice, sliced lemons.

Consume Miracle Berry: Just before digging in, chew 1 or more freeze-dried miracle berry (this can also be done during preparation of ingredients). Ensure to remove pits to avoid bitter taste.

Fact:The active ingredient miraculin from miracle berry will turn sour foods such as lemon, lime, orange, grapefruit, non-fat yoghurt and other citrus food to taste sweet without adding sugar. We recommend two halves or 2 servings for maximum effectiveness. Make sure to follow instructions from the back of the packaging.


1 cup white, granulated sugar 770 Calories

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