Kale is an anti-inflammatory, cancer fighter, immune booster, and even an anti-depressant. Grapes are an anti-inflammatory and are full of immune-boosting
antioxidants. Wheat grass or sprouts both provide a burst of nutrition and energy. While lemon as an immunity booster has rounded this juice with rich sour taste which is perfect for richberry that you don't have to add sugar.
3 cups kale
1 cup grapes
1 green apple
1 lemon
½ lime
½ cup wheatgrass or sprouts
1 tablespoon honey -
Mix and blend all ingredients gradually.
Consume Miracle Berry
Just before enjoying your drink, chew 1 or more halves of freeze-dried miracle berry. Ensure to remove pits to avoid a bitter taste.
The active ingredient miraculin from miracle berry will turn sour foods such as lemon, lime, orange, grapefruit, non-fat yoghurt and other citrus food to taste sweet without adding sugar. We recommend two halves or 2 servings for maximum effectiveness. Make sure to follow instructions from the back of the packaging.
Calorie savings:
1 tablespoon honey - 64 calories