This recipe is so strong that you need some sweeteners to defy the taste and make it yummier. As marshmallows on top to decorate your glass, have some richberry's miracle berry to make the strong sour and alcoholic flavour taste even better and yummier. A must-try.
2 fluid ounces vanilla-flavored vodka
3 fluid ounces pineapple juice
1 splash lime juice
2 tablespoons lime concentrate
1 splash lemon juice
2 miniature marshmallows on top
Fill a cocktail shaker with ice. Pour vodka, pineapple juice, lemon juice, lime concentrate, and lime juice over ice; cover and shake. Strain the cocktail into a martini glass. Garnish with marshmallows.
Mocktail (non-alcoholic): If you wish to have a delicious non-alcoholic version, please feel free to take the alcohol out and follow the same procedure.
Consume Miracle Berry: Just before digging in, chew 1 or more freeze-dried miracle berry (this can also be done during the preparation of ingredients). Ensure to remove pits to avoid a bitter taste.
Fact: The active ingredient miraculin from miracle berry will turn sour foods such as lemon, lime, orange, grapefruit, non-fat yoghurt and other citrus food to taste sweet without adding sugar. We recommend two halves or 2 servings for maximum effectiveness. Make sure to follow instructions from the back of the packaging.
Warning: Alcohols are for over 21 years of age and above. Drink responsibly, do not drink and drive.
Calorie savings:
2-tablespoons simple syrup - 128 Calories